First Look At Self-Portrait's Test In-Image


Whether it is the jet lag or your busy sightseeing schedule, it is difficult to always keep your energy level high when you are enjoying your vacation. You have so many locations to visit, attractions to see, and foods to taste, so you will hardly get enough time to enjoy a nap.

When you need an energy boost, you might be tempted to enjoy a caffeinated drink. However, many of you are unaware of the fact that caffeine dehydrates and can disturb your sleep schedule- making it even more difficult for you to adjust.

Have a healthy snack

You will want to eat every now and then during a trip, but if you keep on eating heavy meals or sugary desserts, you might sleep fast. How can you avoid this? By eating a healthy snack. A healthy snack gives you the required fuel that your body needs to keep it healthy and active.


While going out you must carry nuts, protein bars or fresh veggies and fruits. Having a healthy snack with you can save your time that you would otherwise need to spend in a restaurant and is also good for your health.

Whether you are travelling by train, plane or car, staying at one place for too long can drain your energy very fast. To boost yourself, you must find a way to stretch or relax. If you are driving, find a rest area or place where you can stretch your legs and relax. For travelling in a plane, bus or train, you can try walking up and down a few times. If you have enough space, stretch your arms, massage your toes and calves. These activities help in blood circulation and will relax you. Just be sure while doing so you don’t hit or kick any fellow passenger.


Dehydration can cause a serious problem and affect your energy level. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to maintain your water intake while travelling. Whenever you feel tired, drink a glass of cold water. To keep yourself hydrated, always carry a water bottle with you. Take regular sips during the whole day- mainly if you are spending most of your time under the sun.